Roots + History
Born in Hilo, Hawaiʻi, my roots stem from Keaukaha Homestead, Moku o Keawe. My momʻs Ohana comes from Kalapana. My dadʻs Ohana from Kohala. Leaving the Islands at the age of 8 years, I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. I joined the US Navy after graduation and retired after 22 years of service, both active and reserve.
As an only child, I swore I would not have only one child if I ever got married. Consequently, as a single mom, I raised seven children, two boys and five girls. Iʻve also been blessed with eleven moʻopuna, my pride and joy
Educational Experience:
Graduated 1975 from Immaculate Conception Academy High School in San Francisco, California
Attended Chaminade University, San Francisco City College
Attended Contra Costa County Community College
Served on PTA for 12 years when my keiki attended St. Paul’s Elementary School in California.
Professional Experience:
Served 22 years and Retired from the US Navy and Naval Reserves
World Airways, Trans World Airlines, and American Airlines
Transportation Security Administration - Maui Airport
Bradley Pacific Aviation - Maui Airport
Civic Engagement:
'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu - I am a member and Past President of 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu Chapter IV, Wailuku, a Royal and Benevolent Society which has the goal and objective is to perpetuate the legacy of our Queen Elizabeth Ka'ahumanu, favored wife of King Kamehameha l. As part of our community outreach, we provide financial support to Maui's Food Bank, St. Anthony's School, and Maui's Alu Like Kupuna Nutritional Program. We award scholarships to qualified recipients for Post Secondary School education. We cook and serve a monthly meal at Hale a Ke Ola's Homeless Shelter. These are but a few of the services we provide.
Aha Moku o Wailuku - I am a member of 'Aha Moku o Wailuku. Our goal is to protect the cultural, historical, and natural resources within our ahupua'a. As needed, we work collectively with other Maui Island mokus to advocate for the rights of our cultural practitioners.
Ku'e Petition Continues - As a member of the Ku'e Petition Continues, our goal is to educate the community about the wrongdoings to the Kingdom of Hawaii and the illegal overthrow of our Queen Lili'uokalani and to connect our lahui to their kupuna who signed the petition against annexation.
Malama Kakanilua - I am a Board Director and past Treasurer of Malama Kakanilua, an organization that endeavors to preserve and protect the cultural, historical, and natural resources of our islands and to include 'aina, wai, Iwi Kupuna, wahi pana and the protected rights of our cultural practitioners. We are currently in contested cases and settlement agreements for several projects in the South Maui area - Kīhei, Wailea, and Makena.
Ho’oponopono o Makena - As a recognized cultural descendant by the Maui Lāna'i Island Burial Council and lineal descendant of the Honua'ula moku in South Maui, I serve on the Board of Directors for Ho'oponopono o Makena, a hui of descendants. We advocate for the protection of our Iwi Kapuna and our Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological sites from desecration. That which defines us as a people is how we ensure the viability of the 'aina (land), wai (water), and ea (air) for future generations. Curtailing development for greed and profit ensures “space” for our residents.
Maui Tomorrow Foundation - I previously served as Secretary for the Maui Tomorrow Foundation which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Mauiʻs precious natural areas and prime open space for recreational use and aesthetic value by promoting the concept of ecologically sound development and preserving the opportunity for a rural lifestyle on Maui.
Maui Ranchers and Farmers Homestead Association for Dept. of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL) - Previously, I served on the Maui Ranchers and Farmers Homestead Association for DHHL. We were advocating for DHHL to award leases to agricultural wait-listers. I served on the grassroots association for DHHL as advocate for the Waiohuli Undivided Interest Lessees who were awarded their paper leases in 2005. This was 2012. We attended and testified before the Hawaiian Homes Commission for four years. The first 46 lessees were able to build their homes in 2016.
Food Drive Coordinator, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu - In January 2019, when the President shut down the federal government, on behalf of the 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, I organized a food drive for all furloughed federal workers, in partnership with the Maui Food Bank. We were able to provide food and other necessities, including gas cards, to approximately 75 families of Maui island.